Information / / 2023. 11. 24. 10:11

Calculate 2023 Actual Salary Receipts, Actual Salary Receipts


Recession and prices continue to rise and even interest rates are on the rise.
It has become a situation in which people say that everything increases except for the salary that people commonly say.

Therefore, since the actual amount of monthly salary that is purely received after excluding taxes is important from the perspective of the worker, the actual amount of receipt is important

I'd like to learn more about how to calculate it.

In the case of actual receipts, it is difficult to calculate directly because the calculation must be applied excluding the amount of the four major insurances

I'm sure there are a lot of people who go through it.
For these people, we would also like to look into taxes today.

These days, if you search, you can check the table of actual annual salary in various places.
However, in this case, it is indicated as an approximate amount, so it is a little disappointing that it cannot be clearly recognized.

There is also a way to use a calculator if you actually want to know my salary accurately.
As a way to calculate the real salary for 2023, there is a way to use the site of people, which is a common method used by people.
It is popular with many people because it even provides converters and calculators for free.

When you search for and access a person on Naver, click the job TOOL on the right side of the top menu of the site's main part to activate it.
If you find it difficult to find the menu, you can access it right away by entering a human job TOOL in Naver search and searching.

Within the category, there are various tools such as self-introduction coaching and spelling.
Here, we select the salary calculator that we want to check.

If you enter my salary in the salary calculator, you can find out my actual amount of money received.

In some cases, the actual amount received by the company is different from the amount I calculated.

The reason for the difference is that dependents, non-taxation, etc. may be different, or it may be a place where more taxes are collected due to year-end settlement, so please keep this in mind.

In addition, the National Tax Service's Hometax's earned income can be calculated using the simplified tax amount table.
For the 2023 salary real income calculation, you can basically calculate your salary by dividing your salary by 12 as we know it, excluding the four major insurances and earned income taxes.
Taxes deducted from real income include 4.5% of the national pension, 3.495% of health insurance, 0.9% of employment insurance, and earned income (simple tax amount).

In the case of employment insurance, it has been increased from 0.8% to 0.9% since July.
In the case of national pension, health insurance, and employment insurance, employers and workers pay half and half, so they pay taxes according to the % mentioned above.

In the case of earned income tax, it can be calculated by Hometax, and basically, it is automatically calculated by entering the things that need to be entered.
However, in the case of earned income tax, it is the most difficult part in calculating.

Taxes are paid according to the set tax rate, but the deduction items vary depending on the number of dependents, so you must check this carefully and apply it

There is also a table that allows you to simply check the amount received by the annual salary office in 2023.
The annual salary of 23 million won to 200 million won can be checked in a table, which also has the advantage of being able to check quickly, but please also consider that there may be differences from the actual amount as mentioned earlier.

The dream annual salary of 100 million won is calculated as 8.33 million won before tax if you receive a salary, but the actual amount you receive is only 6.5 million won after tax is deducted.
In addition, the income tax standard applied to the section from 10 million won to 14 million won per month will be different, and the section exceeding 14 million won will also be applied under the new standard income tax standard.

There are various ways to calculate monthly receipts through annual salary.
If you have any questions about the 2023 annual salary, you can check the salary room's calculated table and real income calculator, so please choose what you can easily use.

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